Monday, July 30, 2018

Finding new book

Can someone kindly tell me if my last post re-my future new book 'Finding Gabriel' has reached the outside world? Please reply.

Friday, July 27, 2018


Long time no see. How are we?

Well, glad to report that I am still writing but taking a bit of time more though. This book is called 'Finding Gabriel' and it has taken me two years to write, with the help of Mrs. Christine Green, my old friend and a new editor. Many thanks Chris.

This book is different. It is a thriller, a mystery of finding a missing person......but you have guessed it, it has something to do with hospital( as my work background. .....................)

Someone said that it could be made a film or TV series.....................

Watch the space.

Meanwhile, thanks for still buying my books from Amazon...

'Tales from A Male Nurse' by Patrick K S Poon

'Further tales from a Male Nurse' by  ,,,

'The Maple Lodge Affairs' by Patrick K S Poon.
