Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Chinese/English cooking,ho-sic(delicious to eat),,ckicken with dips

Morning, second day in blog.
I intend to write 2-3 times a week on cooking, simple, inexpensive and nice food to eat.
Popular dish for guests to eat.

Boiled chicken with dips

Boil whole chicken or 2 halves in boiling water for 35 minutes(you can add 1 spring onion and a slice of ginger) then keep the lid on for further 20 minutes, let the heat cook the chicken and the meat will be smooth and tender to eat. Meanwhile, prepare the dip-----slice fresh ginger and cut in in v small bits possible, same for spring onion(do keep all spring onions, especially the green bits). Then mix ginger and spring onion together and cook oil and pour into mixture and add soya sauce and mix. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm....nice sauce to dip the chopped chicken in. I usually do another dip, just pour oyster sauce in to make a dip or another dip with chilli oil for those who likes in hot.

The remaining stock from the chicken, boil in now again and add either spinach or/and chinese cabbage for 5 minutes. Use the vegetables to dip in sauce too. Then add salt and soya sauce to taste. Then you will have chicken with dips and vegetables with dips too and soup to taste with rice. Easy meal for 2-3 people.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


I am new to Blog but since watching the movie 'Julie and Julia', I have decided to have a go as I do quite a bit of cooking. So just to share some experience with you people.
I am Chinese living in the UK, down south in Cornwall.

First thought of the day.................Confucius said, 'Eating is like sex, human nature.' We all eat and want to eat well....................................he actually said that years ago. That is the start of my diary.